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TRACK#4 - DICOMWeb查詢與調閱
TRACK#5 - DICOM數位全幅病理顯微鏡影像查詢與調閱
TRACK#7 - 影像檢查流程

藍光(BlueLight) - Web-based DICOM Viewer

a browser-based medical image viewer,a pure single-page application (SPA), lightweight, and using only JavaScript and HTML5 technologies so as to deploy it on any HTTP server easily (just put it in HTTP server). It supports not only opening local data, but also connecting to medical image archives which support DICOMweb. It provides tools for medical image interpretation and 3D image reconstruction, e.g., Multiplanar Rreformation or Reconstruction (MPR) and Volume Rendering (VR).


TRACK#4 - DICOMWeb查詢與調閱
TRACK#5 - DICOM數位全幅病理顯微鏡影像查詢與調閱
TRACK#7 - 影像檢查流程

浣熊(Raccoon) - NoSQL醫學影像資料庫

Raccoon is a noSQL-based medical image archive for managing the DICOM images. It uses the MongoDB to manage the DICOM images and provide RESTful API, supported both FHIR ImagingStudy and DICOMWeb to store, query/retrieve, and manage DICOM images. Raccoon is bulit on the top of the Burni FHIR Server to manage the FHIR resourcs related to medical images.


TRACK#1 - 病人基本資料互通
TRACK#2 - 生理量測數據互通
TRACK#3 - 用藥及疫苗接種紀錄
TRACK#6 - 基因定序標記

布魯尼(Burni) - NoSQL FHIR Server

Burni is an implementation of the FHIR server with Node, Express, and MongoDB providing very simple ways to customize the HL7 FHIR® specification, Burni support both Windows and Linux environment to enable developers to rapidly deploy a FHIR service. Burni also supports to import your Implementation Guide to store FHIR Resources and create FHIR RESTful API as well.