台灣癌症登記短表實作指引 (Taiwan Cancer Registry Short Form Implementation Guide)
0.1.1 - ci-build

台灣癌症登記短表實作指引 (Taiwan Cancer Registry Short Form Implementation Guide) - Local Development build (v0.1.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: 原發部位值集

Official URL: Version: 0.1.1
Active as of 2024-08-01 Computable Name: SFPrimarySiteVS

Primary Site Value Set


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet sf-PrimarySite-valueset



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion based on codesystem 原發部位代碼系統 v0.1.1 (CodeSystem)

This value set contains 324 concepts

  C000 lip upper
  C001 lip lower
  C002 lip NOS
  C003 lip, mucosa
  C004 lip, mucosa
  C005 lip, NOS
  C006 lip
  C008 lesion of lip
  C009, NOS
  C019 of tongue, NOS
  C020 surface tongue, NOS
  C021 of tongue
  C022 surface of tongue NOS
  C023 2/3 of tongue NOS
  C024 tonsil
  C028 lesion of tongue
  C029 NOS
  C030 gum
  C031 gum
  C039 NOS
  C040 floor of mouth
  C041 floor of mouth
  C048 lesion of floor of mouth
  C049 of mouth NOS
  C050 palate
  C051 palate NOS (excludes Nasopharyngcal surface C11.3)
  C058 lesion of palate
  C059 NOS
  C060 mucosa
  C061 of mouth
  C062 area
  C068 lesion of other and unspecified parts of mouth
  C069 NOS
  C079 gland
  C080 gland
  C081 gland
  C088 lesion of major salivary glands
  C089 salivary gland, NOS
  C090 fossa
  C091 pillar
  C098 lesion of tonsil
  C099 NOS (excludes Lingual tonsil C02.4 and Pharyngeal tonsil C11.1)
  C101 surface of epiglottis
  C102 wall oropharynx
  C103 wall oropharynx
  C104 cleft (site of neoplosm)
  C108 lesion of oropharynx
  C109 NOS
  C110 wall of nasopharynx
  C111 wall nasopharynx
  C112 wall nasopharynx
  C113 wall nasopharynx
  C118 lesion of nasopharynx
  C119 NOS
  C129 sinus
  C130 region
  C131 aspect of aryepiglottic fold
  C132 wall hypopharynx
  C138 lesion of hypopharynx
  C139, NOS
  C140 NOS
  C142's ring
  C148 lesion of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
  C150 esophagus
  C151 esophagus
  C152 esophagus
  C153 third of esophagus
  C154 third of esophagus
  C155 lower third
  C158 lesion of esophagus
  C159 NOS
  C160, NOS
  C161 stomach
  C162 stomach
  C163 antrum
  C165 curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to C16.1 to C16.4)
  C166 curvature of stomach, NOS (not classifiable to C16.0 to C16.4)
  C168 lesion of stomach
  C169 NOS
  C172 (excludes ileocecal valve C18.0)
  C173's diverticulum (site of neoplasm)
  C178 lesion of small intestine
  C179 intestine NOS
  C182 colon
  C183 flexure of colon
  C184 colon
  C185 flexure of colon
  C186 colon
  C187 colon
  C188 lesion of colon
  C189 NOS
  C199 junction
  C209, NOS
  C210, NOS (excludes Skin of anus and Perianal skin (C44.5)
  C211 canal
  C212 zone
  C218 lesion of rectum, anus and anal canal
  C221 bile duct
  C240 bile duct
  C241 of Vater
  C248 lesion of biliary tract
  C249 tract, NOS
  C250 of pancreas
  C251 pancreas
  C252 pancreas
  C253 duct
  C254 of Langerhans
  C257 of pancreas
  C258 lesion of pancreas
  C259 NOS
  C260 tract, NOS
  C268 lesion of digestive system
  C269 tract, NOS
  C300 cavity (excludes Nose, NOS C76.0)
  C301 ear
  C310 sinus
  C311 sinus
  C312 sinus
  C313 sinus
  C318 lesion of accessory sinuses
  C319 sinus, NOS
  C323 cartilage
  C328 lesion of larynx
  C329 NOS
  C340 bronchus
  C341 lobe, lung
  C342 lobe, lung
  C343 lobe, lung
  C348 lesion of lung
  C349 NOS
  C381 mediastinum
  C382 mediastinum
  C383 NOS
  C384 NOS
  C388 lesion of heart, mediastinum and pleura
  C390 respiratory tract, NOS
  C398 lesion of respiratory system and intrathoracic organs
  C399 tract, NOS
  C400 limb long bones, joints
  C401 limb short bones, joints
  C403 limb short bones, joints
  C408 lesion of bones, joints and articular cartilage of limbs
  C409 limb, NOS
  C410 and facial bone
  C412 column (excludes Sacrum and Coccyx C41.4)
  C413, sternum, clavicle
  C414 bone
  C418 lesion of bones, joints and articular cartilage
  C419 NOS
  C421 marrow
  C423 system, NOS
  C424 system, NOS
  C440 lip, NOS
  C441 NOS
  C442 ear
  C443 face
  C444 scalp, neck
  C445 trunk
  C446 limb, upper
  C447 limb, lower
  C470 nerve head, neck
  C471 nerve shoulder, arm
  C472 nerve leg
  C473 nerve thorax (excludes Thymus, Heart and Mediastinum C37. , C38. )
  C474 nerve abdomen
  C475 nerve pelvis
  C476 nerve trunk
  C478 lesion of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
  C479 nervous system NOS
  C482 NOS
  C488 lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
  C490 tissue head
  C491 tissue arm
  C492 tissue leg
  C493 tissue thorax (excludes Thymus, Heart and Mediastinum C37. , C38. )
  C494 tissue abdomen
  C495 tissue pelvis
  C496 tissue trunk, NOS
  C498 lesion of connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues
  C499 tissue NOS
  C501 portion of breast
  C502 inner quadrant of breast
  C503 inner quadrant of breast
  C504 outer quadrant of breast
  C505 outer quadrant of breast
  C506 tail of breast
  C508 lesion of breast
  C509 NOS (excludes Skin of breast C44.5)
  C510 majus
  C511 minus
  C518 lesion of vulva
  C519, NOS
  C529, NOS
  C538 lesion of cervix uteri
  C539 uteri
  C540 uteri
  C543 uteri
  C548 lesion of corpus uteri
  C549 uteri
  C559 NOS
  C570 tube
  C571 ligament
  C572 ligament
  C574 adnexa
  C577 body
  C578 lesion of female genital organs
  C579 genital tract, NOS
  C601 penis
  C602 penis
  C608 lesion of penis
  C609 NOS
  C619 gland
  C620 testis (site of neoplasm)
  C621 testis
  C629 NOS
  C631 cord
  C632, NOS
  C637 vaginalis
  C638 lesion of male genital organs
  C639 genital organs, NOS
  C649 NOS
  C659 pelvis
  C670, bladder
  C671, bladder
  C672 wall bladder
  C674 wall bladder
  C676 orifice
  C678 lesion of bladder
  C679 NOS
  C681 gland
  C688 lesion of urinary organs
  C689 system, NOS
  C691, NOS
  C694 body
  C695 gland
  C696 NOS
  C698 lesion of eye and adnexa
  C699 NOS
  C700 meninges
  C701 meninges
  C709 NOS
  C711 lobe
  C712 lobe
  C713 lobe
  C714 lobe
  C715 NOS
  C716, NOS
  C717 stem
  C718 lesion of brain
  C719 NOS
  C720 cord
  C721 equina
  C722 nerve
  C723 nerve
  C724 nerve
  C725 nerve, NOS
  C728 lesion of brain and central nervous system
  C729 system NOS
  C739 gland
  C740 gland cortex
  C741 gland medulla
  C749 gland NOS
  C750 gland
  C751 gland
  C752 duct
  C753 gland
  C754 body
  C755 body
  C758 lesion of endocrine glands and related structures
  C759 gland, NOS
  C760, face or neck NOS
  C761 NOS
  C762 NOS
  C763 NOS
  C764 limb NOS
  C765 limb NOS
  C767 illdefined sites
  C768 lesion of ill-defined sites
  C770 node face, head ,neck
  C771 lymph node
  C772 lymph nodes
  C773 node axilla, arm
  C774 node inguinal region, leg
  C775 node pelvic
  C778 nodes of multiple regions
  C779 node NOS
  C809 primary site

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code