台灣癌症登記短表實作指引 (Taiwan Cancer Registry Short Form Implementation Guide)
0.1.1 - ci-build

台灣癌症登記短表實作指引 (Taiwan Cancer Registry Short Form Implementation Guide) - Local Development build (v0.1.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Example Procedure: SFPalCareExample

Generated Narrative: Procedure SFPalCareExample

status: Completed

category: 申報醫院緩和照護

code: (1)個案未接受緩和照護 (2)屍體解剖時才診斷為癌症

subject: Wang Amy(official) Male, DoB: 1986-03-24 ( National Person Identifier where the xxx is the ISO table 3166 3-character (alphabetic) country code: 123456789)

encounter: Encounter: status = finished; class = ambulatory (ActCode#AMB); period = 2019-02-12 --> (ongoing)