台灣癌症登記短表實作指引 (Taiwan Cancer Registry Short Form Implementation Guide)
0.1.1 - ci-build

台灣癌症登記短表實作指引 (Taiwan Cancer Registry Short Form Implementation Guide) - Local Development build (v0.1.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: SFPatientExample - XML Representation

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<Patient xmlns="">
  <id value="SFPatientExample"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns=""><p><b>Wang Amy(OFFICIAL)</b> male, DoB: 1986-03-24 (護照號碼: 123456789)</p></div>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="NNxxx">
            <extension url="suffix">
              <valueString value="TWN"/>
            <extension url="valueSet">
                 value="National Person Identifier where the xxx is the ISO table 3166 3-character (alphabetic) country code"/>
    <system value=""/>
    <value value="123456789"/>
        <system value=""/>
        <code value="MR"/>
        <display value="Medical record number"/>
    <system value=""/>
    <value value="10216"/>
    <use value="official"/>
    <text value="Wang Amy"/>
    <family value="Wang"/>
    <given value="Amy"/>
  <gender value="male"/>
  <birthDate value="1986-03-24"/>
    <postalCode value="112"/>
    <reference value="Organization/SFOrganizationExample"/>